Huizenmarkt Rik 29 juni 2022

How do students find student accommodation in Brabant?

You are going to continue your studies in Brabant, one of the most beautiful provinces of our country. Very nice of course, but you live elsewhere in the country. Travelling back and forth every day is therefore not an option. That means you have to look for a place to live in Brabant. But just as it is for everyone on the housing market these days, this is certainly not easy in practice. Find out here how you can have the greatest chance of success in your search for suitable accommodation.

Start your search in time

Even if you are not yet sure whether you will pass your current studies, start looking for student accommodation in Brabant. If you wait until the summer, just before your new studies start, you will be too late. During this time of year, the housing market is flooded with requests for accommodation. So start to orientate yourself well in advance about accommodation on offer. After all, you can always cancel your studies if necessary.

Make use of your social network

Inform family, friends and others that you are looking for student accommodation in Brabant. Who knows, maybe one of them has connections in the south of the country. If you make use of social media, you can do so as well. Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn give you a very wide reach to make an appeal for a suitable student room. On Facebook, for example, there are special pages that you can follow. When a suitable room becomes available, you can respond. Keep your fingers crossed that you will be invited for a viewing.

Present yourself

Apart from social media, there are other ways to find a student room. Get pens printed with your details on them. Hand them out to everyone you know and ask them to help you in your search for a student room in Brabant. You can, of course, do the same with other items. You can also print mugs and give them away. If you put so much effort into finding a room, something suitable is bound to come your way.

Share your home with others

If you know several people who are also looking for a room in Brabant, it might be an idea to start sharing a property together. Ask an estate agent whether there is anything suitable on offer. Of course, it is important that you get along well with each other, but the same goes for a student house. There are also many private individuals who rent out part of their house. These can often be found on sites where supply and demand come together. One example is Marktplaats. A search with hospita + the name of a place in Brabant will also produce many hits. It is a good and often cheap way to find a place to live and you will often also be accepted into the host family. Good luck with your studies and with finding a room in Brabant!

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